Local Government takes key role in tsunami recovery

Local Governments across Australia have moved to quickly to raise funds for the tsunami crisis. The Australian Local Government Association has helped coordinate the fund raising efforts of the nation’s 655 Councils to assist communities devastated by the giant wave. Many Councils are also working through existing sister city relationships to help communities.

Meanwhile, the body representing Local Government internationally, United Cities and Local Government (UCLG), has announced a tsunami response action plan. The UCLG world secretariat will be the focal point for information exchange between Local Governments. Priorities will be assistance to children and the reconstruction of infrastructure.

UCLG will assist exchange of information on initiatives and will ensure coordination with the United Nations and its agencies. A database of Local Government experts will also be developed to enhance the resources of the UN, NGOs and national authorities, with whom the UCLG is collaborating.

ALGA President, Councillor Paul Bell, said Australian communities have always been quick to help those in crisis.

“Recovery for communities affected by the tsunamis will be long and painful,” he said. “Australian Local Government will do all it can to help in this process in collaboration with the Australian Government and the UCLG. We want to ensure funds are used speedily and with maximum effect.

“Local Government in Australia is responsible for emergency management at the local level, including disaster mitigation and recovery. We are well placed to help communities in the recovery phase, as many Councils have done – and continue to do – with recovery efforts in East Timor. This disaster has shocked the nation. Local Government will do all it can to help the international effort to respond to this tragedy.”

In Victoria, the Municipal Association of Victoria is working with the Our Community organisation to promote the Australian Giving Centre, a one stop shop where people can donate to major public appeals.

Acting Chief Executive of the Victorian Local Governance Association, Leigh Snelling, said the challenge for Local Governments was to create a long term aid solution.

“Local Governments are in a unique position to form close associations with smaller communities across the region,” she said. “This could be the basis for long term aid and building better links in the region.”