In June, Hume City Council’s 2007/08 annual report took home a Gold Award in the Local Government category of the 2009 Australasian Reporting Association (ARA) Awards. This is the third consecutive year that Council has received this award.
The awards recognise the reporting achievements of corporate, government and private sector organisations.
They are an opportunity for organisations to benchmark their reports against the ARA criteria, which are based on world’s best practice.
Gold, silver and bronze awards are presented to the organisations that satisfy the demanding ARA criteria.
Hume Mayor, Councillor Jack Ogilvie, said the Hume community should be confident in the reporting system, financial operations and service delivery outlined in this annual report.
“Being recognised as one of only seven Local Governments across Australia and New Zealand to be awarded a Gold ARA is a fantastic achievement,” he said.
In May, Hume City Council was also awarded as the overall winner in the Best Annual Report category and the overall winner in the Best Reporting on Performance Category at the Municipal Association Victoria Annual Reporting Awards.
A copy of the report is available at