Carbon Insight helps councils reduce carbon footprint*

Intelligent Pathways introduces Carbon Insight,
the easy solution to carbon emissions monitoring
and environmental data management for councils

With the spotlight on global climate change in recent years, and with the introduction of mandatory emissions reporting, Australian councils are having to seriously consider their carbon footprint.

Consolidating, calculating and reporting your carbon emissions can be a complex and time intensive process, particularly when there are multiple activities and sites to take into account.

Intelligent Pathways, an Australian owned technology company specialising in internet based software and integration services, has developed a total carbon emissions and environmental data management tool specifically for councils.

Carbon Insight converts raw data into measurable Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) and allows tracking of environmental data, such as energy consumption and production, water and waste, across all council operations as well as the entire council district.

Designed to meet government guidelines, Carbon Insight provides streamlined data management capabilities, powerful analysis and reporting tools, and comprehensive calculators.

An up to date greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory (carbon footprint) is always available, and tabular and graphical tools offer the ability to compare past performance against projected values, and assess the likely benefit of identified reduction measures.

Reporting can be carried out across multiple levels and in various formats to satisfy both internal and government requirements.

Designed for maximum versatility, Carbon Insight can be integrated with any system in any size council.

Using Carbon Insight will ensure councils can easily identify environmental and financial risks and opportunities, enabling them to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve significant cost savings.

For further information on Carbon Insight or to request a demonstration, telephone 1800 224 381 or visit

*Copy supplied by Intelligent Pathways