South Australia’s City of Port Adelaide Enfield Council is teaming up with KESAB (Keep South Australia Beautiful) environmental solutions to offer residents free bus tours to local waste and recycling sites.
Entitled ‘Beyond The Kerb’, these tours provide an opportunity for residents to find out where their recyclables, organics and waste materials go after collection.
The tour commences at Statewide Recycling, a super collector of South Australia’s 10 cent deposit drink containers. Short films about recycling are shown, followed by a discussion about the items that can be placed in the kerbside recycling bins.
Residents then visit the VISY Recycling plant, where they witness the manual labour involved in separating paper, plastic, metal and glass for baling prior to being transported to reprocessing facilities. They are informed about the importance of removing lids and rinsing containers before binning them.
The next stop is Jeffries (compost, soil and mulch experts) and the Adelaide Resource Recovery Centre, where residents are shown how recyclable materials are turned into new products. In this case, construction and demolition material is crushed and processed into aggregates for building and road construction. They are also shown the importance of separating e-waste from landfill.
The tours are also available to preschool and primary school students. Preschool students are offered a range of activities including resource recovery bin sorts, relay activities, papermaking workshops and kit hire. A mini bin sorting game is also played.
Primary school students can partake in a statewide recycling excursion to the Ottoway Centre, where they have a full tour of the facility and participate in hands on activities, or a KESAB Education Officer will visit the school for a 60 minute education session.
For more information contact Margaret Steuart at KESAB, email