The natural alternative*

With the emphasis these days being on clean and green, local councils are at the forefront of looking at more environmentally safer alternatives and leading the way in ecofriendly practices.

Petroleum based products are still widely used in everyday life, slowly adding to the amount of contaminants leaching into our soil, into our waterways and polluting our air.

These products are still being used in workshops, on road works, around waterways, in sewerage systems and in our parks and gardens.

Lanotec, a 100 per cent Australian owned company, utilises our natural resources of wool grease to manufacture a range of products that include corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, greases, timber treatments, form work release agents and anti-spatters.

Lanotec’s products are user friendly, non toxic, biodegradable and can help minimise the impact on our environment. Small scale changes made in local councils and government agencies will see significant progress made towards safer workplace practices and minimising the environmental impact for our increasing population.

It is not only the environmental advantages that these products present; they have also been proven to work better, last longer, can help solve Occupational Health and Safety issues, protect council assets and reduce costs, while at the same time help protect your staff and show your ratepayers you have their best interests at heart.

Lanotec – natural products for a better environment.

Call Lanotec now on (07) 3373 3700 or visit the website at and start reaping the benefits that many councils and government departments around Australia have been introduced to.

*Copy supplied by Lanotec