Guardian teams support council neighbours*

With major disaster events this year in sites using Guardian throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory, the value of staff sent in to support neighbouring councils has been very beneficial.

In Emerald, during the recent major floods, Mackay offered the support of strike team Alpha to relieve staff in the operation centre using Guardian.

With major devastation caused once again to the Cassowary Coast Region following category 5 cyclone Yasi, the established memorandum of understanding initiated by Carola Washbourne of Cassowary Coast Regional Council between a strong group of North Queensland councils was activated.

The Cairns team led by Cheryl-Lee Fitzgerald arrived one week after the activation to support the tiring workers at the Innisfail Coordination Centre. Offers of assistance were also received from Rockhampton and Burdekin Councils.

Congratulations goes to all those involved in Guardian throughout every activation this year including Darwin, Whitsunday, Mackay, Rockhampton, Central Highlands, Cassowary Coast, Burdekin, Townsville, Cairns, Tablelands, Hinchinbrook and Sunshine Coast.

Users of Guardian are keen to continue the relationships they have built with other councils during the recent major events to share their experiences with each other and work with the developers of Guardian to become involved in the future developments of the software. The inaugural Guardian User group meeting will be held in Mackay in June this year and Guardian users will be invited to attend.

Qit Plus won the Queensland 2010 Safer Communities award in the private sector category and Darwin won the Northern Territory Local Government equivalent with a highly commended at the nationals with – Guardian on Duty.

Guardian has now been selected by 22 sites to operate their coordination centres.

*Copy supplied by Qit Plus