Hunter Records Storage

Hunter Records Storage is a unique and innovative example of Local Government cooperation. An initiative of the 11 Councils of the Hunter, Hunter Records Storage was developed in response to the requirements of the State Records Act and the wider costs and cost consequences for councils and other clients in the bulk storage of files in their corporate office space.

Hunter Records Storage has grown enormously since its formation in 2004. The business now has over 105,000 boxes of records currently in storage. This equates to over one million files and many million sheets of paper.

Hunter Records Storage’s client base is diverse, and includes local councils from around the State, Federal and State Government agencies, hospitals and universities. We also have a wide range of private sector customers.

Our Services

Hunter Records Storage is housed within a large, purpose built complex in the Thornton Business Park. Our services include:

  • 24 hour access to records
  • secure storage
  • receipt/retrieval boxes, individual files, documents, data tapes
  • collection and delivery – standard, priority service, authorised collection by the client
  • cataloguing and indexing
  • sentencing
  • scan on demand retrieval sent via email/fax
  • document imaging
  • secure and ecologically sustainable waste disposal
  • product supply including various size boxes and bar code labels
  • records management consultancy.

Hunter Records Storage is in the final stages of preparation for the provision of fully climate controlled archival records space.

To contact Hunter Records Storage please email the manager on or call on (02) 4978 4031 or

0419 498 161. Our website is