The Shires Association of New South Wales recently met at a Special Conference and agreed to progress the formation of a single association to represent all Local Governments in New South Wales.
More than 150 representatives from 78 shires gathered in Sydney to formally discuss and finalise the 27 principles that were agreed to at the Local Government and Shires Associations’ (LGSA) One Association Convention in Sydney in August last year.
President of the Shires Association Councillor Bruce Miller was extremely pleased with the outcome and the next step on the journey to ëOne Association’.
"It’s long been acknowledged that we need one voice representing Local Government in New South Wales, to effectively lobby the State and Federal Government on Local Government issues," he said. "There was some terrific debate throughout the day, but right from the start, the general consensus for moving to one association was overwhelming.
"Every council was given the chance to speak, regardless of their location, population or size."
The Local Government Association endorsed the 27 principles at their Conference in Albury in October, voting with overwhelming support to adopt the formal recommendations.
The Shires Association called the early Special Conference to discuss the issue now, rather than wait until their usual Conference in late May 2011.
"Forming a new Association is quite a long, involved and formal legal process, even when both parties are in total agreement," Councillor Miller said. "Both Associations are keen to push this matter forward, which is why we called this Special Conference.
"To comply with Federal legislation and Fair Work Australia requirements, we will require further input, voting and discussion by both Associations throughout 2011."
President of the Local Government Association Councillor Keith Rhoades was invited as an observer at the Shires Special Conference.
"I was extremely pleased to witness the Shires Association members’ endorsement," he said. "This is a significant step in the timeline.
"I look forward to working with Councillor Miller and the members of both Associations to build the strongest voice for councils and our communities."
A draft constitution for the new Association is currently being considered by all New South Wales councils, and will require formal endorsement by all members of both Associations at future annual conferences.