Screen Hunter Central Coast

The Hunter and Central Coast are home to some of the finest and most diverse cinematic locations Australia has to offer.

From spectacular sand dunes, beaches, harbours and rivers to the picturesque vineyards and mountain ranges. Add sweeping plains, horse studs, open cut mines and historical architecture, and you’ll soon realise we have almost every location covered.

The aim of Screen Hunter Central Coast is to capitalise on the unique qualities of our regions by increasing film production and fostering and driving development of a creative and sustainable film industry in the Hunter and Central Coast.

Staffed by industry professionals, the Office actively promotes its breathtaking locations to film makers and is a one stop shop for filming approvals, location scouting assistance, sourcing of local crew, services and support.

As a result we have secured films such as Superman Returns, Matrix Reloaded, Wolverine and Tomorrow When the War Began as well as thousands of local, national and international television commercials, documentaries, programs and music videos for our regions.

Once the Office secures filming to the region, we have an extensive membership database of local film professionals, support businesses and contacts to tap in to, that results in local employment and verifiable regional spend.

The Office streamlines the film permitting process by brokering approvals with a variety of Government Departments. Screen Hunter Central Coast has ‘delegated authority’ to issue all filming approvals for the eleven Hunter Councils, Hunter Region National Parks and Wildlife Services, along with Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council and many other private and public organisations

The Screen Office provides these services at no cost to member councils – saving the councils tens of thousands of dollars in administration costs each year.

In the last 12 months Screen Hunter Central Coast has approved more film, stills and television productions than most of the other regional screen offices in New South Wales combined. The local spend involved in screen related activities last year was estimated at over $25 million.

Screen Hunter Central Coast are proud to announce that the sequel to the award winning Australian feature film ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’ will return to the Hunter Region to commence filming in September 2011.

The original film shot in 2009, injected $2.9 million in to the local economy and saw the employment of 229 locals and over 60 support businesses.

To contact Screen Hunter Central Coast email or call on (02) 4978 4014 or 0423 020 191 or visit