About nine kilometres of linked parklands along a river will be created through an ambitious scheme being undertaken by Brimbank City Council. Close to 50 reserves in Melbourne’s western suburbs will be transformed under a new program.
The plan, which is a blueprint for transforming the City’s park network, has already won a prestigious Australian Institute of Landscape Architects award.
Brimbank Administrator Peter Lewinsky said the Creating Better Parks program was resulting in attractive, exciting high quality open spaces for the community to enjoy.
"We are creating a much more liveable Brimbank and have received positive feedback from residents who say they love the exciting new parks and playgrounds," he said."Under the plan, about nine kilometres of trails to link the park network along the municipality’s waterways will be constructed by June."
Council has spent over $10 million over the last four years to ensure Brimbank’s residents do not have to travel far to enjoy great open spaces, parklands and waterways.
By increasing funding for parks development in its 2010/2011 Budget – Brimbank is investing a further $3.7 million in 18 parks across the municipality.
The Council is fast tracking the creation of high quality and contemporary areas for the community to relax, meet and exercise. Several upgrades have been completed, with others about to commence and more in
the pipeline. This year the Council is undertaking works at 18 parks across the municipality.
Brimbank residents have welcomed the transformation enthusiastically and are crowding to upgraded local parks in unprecedented numbers.
In a separate program, 1700 trees are being planted on nature strips in St Albans, Sunshine West and Taylors Lake where there are gaps in the existing tree plantings.Council has selected trees to complement what is
already there and has also
taken drought-tolerance and suitability to Brimbank conditions into consideration.
This is the sixth year of what is a highly successful program with 8500 trees already planted. The aim is to provide a uniform coverage of street trees right across the municipality and to improve the look of local streets.