Described as one of the most far reaching initiatives in Local Government, the "Local Excellence – Councils working together for Communities" will create better services for all Local Governments in South Australia. The then South Australian Local Government Association President Felicity-ann Lewis unveiled the new initiative at the Association’s biennial conference in Adelaide in April.
"This program is designed to bring together a number of elements of LGA activity to make what we do more visible to councils, to Government and Members of Parliament, to the Community and to other stakeholders," she said.
Under four themes of community engagement, financial reform, service efficiency and effectiveness, and governance, it will include a range of projects, programs and activities.
An expert group will be convened to help identify any gaps and provide advice to the LGA including representation from the national Australian Centre of Excellence in Local Government (ACELG).
ACELG Director Professor Graham Sansom, who spoke at the LGA conference, said that the initiative was one of the most far reaching he has seen, and builds on South Australia’s work in leading the nation on financial sustainability.
Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis said the program will combine external expertise and research with practical piloting. It will include consultation with Councils and examples of best practice, along with development of model documents and proposal papers ,and provision of education and training.
"I think the success of the LGA to date has been based on a sound understanding of community demands and perspectives and the ability to transfer best practice information into models and training for all councils in South Australia," she said.
Some of the areas of activity will involve the State Government in looking at clarifying roles and responsibilities between State and Local Governments and at legislative constraints.
Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis said that an ongoing focus on community consultation and engagement would also consider a review of 2010 Local Government elections along with management of grievances and complaints, and the use of social media and mobile technology.