New resource to assist HR and change management

A Human Resource and Change Management Plan to assist Local Governments address change management issues while undertaking reform was made available to Western Australian councils earlier this year. The Human Resource and Change Management Working Group developed the strategy document under the guidance of the Local Government Reform Implementation Committee.

Western Australian Minister for Local Government John Castrilli said the Plan is based on the Local Government Association of Queensland and Local Government Managers Australia’s Queensland Management of Change Toolkits, but has been adapted to suit the Western Australian structural reform environment and objectives.

"A selection of Local Governments from across Western Australia with reform experience were asked to review the Plan during its development and their feedback has been incorporated in the finished product," the Minister said. "Accompanying the Plan are templates that allow councils to customise the document to address their particular challenges and opportunities."

Chair of the Human Resource and Change Management Working Group, Wendy Murray, said the resource addresses areas such as maintaining the morale of staff and managing the impacts of uncertainty and change.

"The Human Resource and Change Management Plan was designed to provide immediate assistance to councils currently undertaking structural reform," she said. "However, it will also be a useful tool for any Local Government developing change management plans for their organisation."

A copy of the document and the accompanying template can be downloaded from the Guide Tools and Funding section of the Western Australian Department of Local Government’s website at