Parramatta introduces SMS service for requests

In March, Parramatta City Council introduced a SMS text service for residents to submit their service requests to Council via text message. The service has been introduced as a response to the changing needs of the community. It enables residents to SMS their service requests at any time of the day or night from any location, providing they have mobile phone coverage.

"This initiative is about making it easier for people to contact Council," Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Councillor John Chedid said. "Not everyone has the time or ability to visit the Council offices in person. This new SMS service is an easier and faster way for residents to let us know when something needs to be fixed. Parramatta City Council is committed to listening and responding to the needs of the community. This quick, easy and cost effective way of contacting us will help residents and Council work together to get results on with improvements in the community."

To process requests, a person sending the text message must identify in 160 characters or less:

  • what is the request
  • the location of the service request, such as street name and number
  • the name of person submitting the request should Council need to contact the texter for further information.

The technology being used converts the text messages into an email that is then recorded in Council’s service request system and passed on to the most relevant staff member for actioning. After reporting a problem such as a pot hole or missed bin collection, the person who sent the message will receive a return text message acknowledging their request. Text messages will incur a normal text message charge as set by the lodger’s mobile service provider.

Examples of text message service requests:

  • Hi. There is a small pothole outside 8 Smith Street, Parramatta. John Smith
  • Our general waste bin needs collecting because it was missed yesterday. 16 John Street, Granville. Mary Jones
  • The recycling bin is damaged and needs replacing. 84 Grose Street, Parramatta. Bill Peters.

For further information contact Lauren Boyle, Media and Communications Officer, on (02) 9806 5438.