Wipe Out Graffiti

Residents and local volunteers have joined forces with Greater Shepparton City Council and Victoria Police to wipe out graffiti on public and private property in the municipality.

As part of a Wipe Out Graffiti Program, Council has a special rapid response team to remove any reported graffiti from Council property within 24-hours and has installed still cameras in known hot spots to assist police with investigations.

Residents are also encouraged to do their part to quickly remove graffiti on private property in a bid to discourage further incidents by making a police report and picking up a free graffiti cleaning kit.

The kits show how quickly and easily graffiti can be removed with special environmentally friendly cleaning product, equipment and safety gear. Paint vouchers are also available if required.

A graffiti trailer is available for community volunteers and service groups to conduct graffiti working bees. A volunteer program to help businesses and residents who are unable to remove graffiti has been established and some public art programs are also being investigated.

Police have also dedicated special community safety resources to the program and through the court system, a number of young graffiti offenders have taken part in community service through Council’s Parks and Gardens team.

The Wipe Out Graffiti Program is a partnership between Greater Shepparton City Council and Victoria Police with funding through the Victorian Government’s Department of Justice.