A joint project between the City of Albany and Main Roads WA is promoting a culture of mutual respect on roads throughout the region by recently installing 50 “Share the Road” signs on roads that are regularly used by cyclists.
The signs, which depict cyclists and vehicles giving each other room when passing, have been funded by Main Roads WA and will be maintained by the City of Albany where they have been installed on roads under the City’s control.
The need for the signage and to develop a culture where cycling is seen as a legitimate and normal use of the road with mutual respect between all road users was identified as a key objective in the Cycle City Albany Strategy adopted by Albany City Council in 2014.
Mayor Dennis Wellington said it was important all road users showed respect.
“Installation of the signs is part of the City’s Share the Road and Share the Path education campaign which is aimed at achieving our goal of being a cycle-friendly city.
“As well as the signs, the ‘Share the Road’ message will also be promoted on television, radio and cinema over the next 12 months and we hope it will not only help educate road users, but make others feel welcome and want to visit Albany to enjoy a friendly cycling experience.”
The City of Albany’s ‘Share the Road’ campaign is supported by the Western Australian Government’s Road Safety Community Grants Program via the Road Safety Commission.