The Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) has developed an advocacy document for the 2016 Federal Election.
In launching the document, LGAT President, Mayor Doug Chipman, described it as providing a blueprint of ‘the matters that are of importance to local government in Tasmania that all political parties should commit to in the interests of Tasmanian voters and their communities’.
“Local government has a critical role to play in the Tasmanian economy. It has a presence in every part of the State and is a key partner in delivering strong economic outcomes.”
The LGAT document, Partnering for Prosperity, seeks commitments from an incoming Australian Government under a range of key areas including: Financial Assistance Grants; roads, bridges and other community infrastructure; improved freight movement; climate change and human services. Key state and regional projects are identified such as the Bridgewater Bridge, water and sewerage infrastructure, the Cradle Mountain Masterplan and investment in the University of Tasmania’s north and northwest campuses.
The Tasmanian Local Government sector’s agenda leverages off the national advocacy agenda of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) – Local Government’s Plan for an Innovative and Prosperous Australia.
“LGAT seeks a range of investments that will serve the nation well in increasing productivity and securing the wellbeing of all communities.
“However, the highest priority for our sector is appropriate funding levels commensurate with the growing statutory and community roles played by councils, and the increasing costs of providing quality infrastructure and services to deliver vibrant and sustainable communities.
“It is vital that the Financial Assistance Grants funding indexation is restored immediately.”
LGAT advocates and negotiates on behalf of the Tasmanian local government sector. LGAT represents Tasmania’s 29 councils, with 293 elected members, over 4,000 employees and half a million constituents.
Partnering for Prosperity is available on the LGAT website at:
ALGA’s Local Government’s Plan for an Innovative and Prosperous Australia is available online at: