Equipment sharing drives savings

The new machine at Newling Oval, featuring: Ray Dufty (Armidale Regional Council), Bead Davies (UNE), Ben Everson (Armidale Regional Council) and Rodney Hargrave (Uralla Shire Council).

Armidale Regional Council in New South Wales is sharing council equipment with the community to drive savings.

The Council recently purchased a new soil aerator, which will be used to better maintain the region’s sporting fields.

The purchase is also set to generate economic efficiencies, as Council will work with other organisations to share the equipment.
Program Leader Parks & Facilities Richard Morsley said that previously, without this equipment, Council had to engage a contractor from out of town.

“Owning this machine will allow us to improve and maintain the quality of our playing fields for less cost and more often. Sporting groups in Armidale will begin to see improvements to the fields,” said Mr Morsley.

“It also provides us with an opportunity to collaborate with the University of New England (UNE), schools and other councils nearby.

“This machine can be utilised by other organisations that in turn can provide equipment that Council does not have. It is a win win for all!”
Uralla Shire Council, UNE and The Armidale School (TAS) have all expressed interest hiring the machine and being a part of an arrangement to share resources.