UTS graduate offerings in local government expand*

The Centre for Local Government at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS:CLG) offers fully accredited practice-based professional development and academic courses for the local government sector.

The long standing courses are facilitated by academics specialising in local government and professionals in the sector with decades of experience.

The academic program offers qualifications at Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels, both of which are scalable into the Masters of Local Government and the PhD. Foundation subjects include those offering a deeper understanding of local government as part of Australia’s polity, as well as management for local government, alongside social planning and community development, strategic planning, project management, and leadership courses. All of these subjects can be taken as part of the academic courses or as stand-alone professional development short courses.

In 2018 the program is expanding to offer two new courses, ‘Economics and Finance for Australian Local Government’ and ‘Applied Ethics for State and Local Government’.

Director of UTS:CLG Professor Roberta Ryan states: “These new offerings address a demonstrated need for a greater understanding of both local government economics and finance and improved governance by local government practitioners.

“The subjects are taught by highly experienced practitioners and academics who lead these fields in research globally.
“These offerings now sit alongside our new program, the Masters of Applied Policy, and we are offering increasing components of these courses online.”

Register for CLG’s Information Evening on 9th of November to learn more about your professional development options. clg.uts.edu.au
*Copy supplied by UTS CLG