Water is a hot topic

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has waded into the Murray Darling Basin water fight accusing the Greens and Federal Labor of playing short term politics with the allocation of economically vital water resources.

LGAQ chief executive Greg Hallam said local communities in southwest Queensland would reap the grim consequences of Labor senators supporting the efforts of the Greens to deny the State’s irrigators a fair allocation of water from the Murray Darling system.

The Greens move to disallow changes aimed at ensuring a less onerous allocation to irrigators is economically irresponsible and should be stopped in the Senate by all other parties, including Labor.

“The impact of cutting back on these allocations will be an enormous blow to towns and centres in the Northern Basin river system.

“The Murray Darling Basin Authority has endorsed a reduction in water recovery targets from 390GLs to 320GLs in the Northern Basin based on sound science and extensive community consultation. That decision should stand and not be trashed for short term political gain.

“If the Greens have their way farms will close, jobs will be lost and families will move away after generations working on the land.

“Is this the outcome Labor wants?”