Camera network in the spotlight

City of Perth CEO Martin Mileham in the CityWatch surveillance centre

The City of Perth’s surveillance centre CityWatch monitors over 320 CCTV cameras and has been effective for monitoring major events.

The network recently featured in a segment on television news program Today Tonight.

City of Perth Chief Executive Officer Martin Mileham explained how the recently upgraded network provides safety and security for visitors and residents alike.

CityWatch is monitored 24/7 and is used to coordinate City operations for major events, such as Skyworks where it acted as the central visual and audio operations hub.

For Australia Day, the back room was set up as a communications hub to handle two-way and phone traffic from staff and contractors out in the field.

WA Police also had officers stationed at the surveillance centre and a live feed of the City’s CCTV cameras was fed into the WA Police Major Incident Control Centre.

As the largest public CCTV centre run by a local government in Australia, CityWatch monitors a network of more than 320 CCTV cameras.

These cameras were recently upgraded from analogue to digital and provide enhanced picture quality.

This can help identify potential offences before they occur, or if needed, can be used to assist authorities in identifying and tracking an offender.