Sustainable solution leaves no butts*

It might surprise you to know that the most common litter worldwide is cigarette litter.

In Australia alone over 22 billion units were consumed according to the most recently available estimate (2011 Australian Institute of Health & Welfare).

Given that figure and the toxic nature of the chemicals contained in cigarettes and the time it takes for them to break down, it is not difficult to comprehend the significant impact this litter has on the environment.   

Of course, this is not a localised issue. It affects every city, every town, every suburb, every community.

The good news is that the problem is being tackled locally, in streets, public spaces, hospitals, retail centres and community facilities with Enviropoles.

These steel posts collect millions of cigarette butts every year for recycling with the by-products used in the manufacture of items ranging from bags to garden furniture.

In fact, Enviropoles currently diverts around 1 tonne of collected cigarette waste every month from landfill and recycles it. However, we have a far greater capacity to manage cigarette litter in this sustainable and environmentally positive manner.

Furthermore, the benefits go far beyond the actual recycling of the waste.

By placing Enviropoles in high traffic, community spaces, local councils are seen to be proactive in their efforts to reduce cigarette litter, to be increasing their recycling efforts, and to be seeking solutions to local issues in a sustainable manner.

Enviropoles is not just a butt bin company.

Enviropoles from Envirocorp Group provide an integrated, sustainable solution to collect, remove and recycle cigarette butt litter from our environment.

*Copy supplied by Enviropoles