Celebrating five big ones*

Forty-five thousand Australians with disability are getting support for the first time under the NDIS.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recently celebrated its fifth birthday and continues to improve the lives of more than 160,000 Australians who are currently accessing the Scheme.

The NDIS is transforming the lives of people with a disability across the country by providing the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life and providing people with choice and control to access these supports.

The Scheme is also delivering real economic change by creating new business and employment opportunities. Part of this is through the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program which provides grants to organisations to carry out activities in the community which focus on connecting people with disability to their communities.

With the recent rollout in Western Australia, the NDIS is now a truly national Scheme, available in every state and territory. The NDIS has fully rolled out throughout New South Wales, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory and parts of Queensland, the Northern Territory, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia, with the Scheme to be fully rolled out across the country by 2020.

Since the NDIS launched in 2013, 160,000 people have received funding with 45,000 of those receiving support for the very first time.
The number of Australians with an approved NDIS plan has grown by 61,344 people since June 2017, an increase of 68 percent in just nine months.

The NDIS market also continues to grow, with 14,271 service providers now approved to deliver disability supports; an increase of 64 percent since June 2017.

Recent survey data from the NDIS quarterly report shows the NDIS is already changing people’s lives, with 90 percent of parents/carers of children aged between 0 and 6 reporting the NDIS has helped with their child’s development and access to school services, 72 percent of participants aged 25 and over reporting the NDIS had helped them with daily living activities and 84 percent of participants rating their overall satisfaction with the Agency’s planning process as good or very good.

*Copy supplied by NDIS