Toowoomba Regional Council, Queensland, formally appointed the first community representatives of the newly established Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee on 22 January.
As Chair of the newly established committee, Councillor Geoff McDonald, said this significant event would help bridge the gap with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
“This is the first time Council has had a committee such as this.
“We received a number of worthy applicants and I’m pleased with the nine community members who were endorsed by Council.
“The members of the Committee will provide a platform for timely and direct information sharing between local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and Council.
“This is an important step for the entire community and I look forward to seeing the positive outcomes that will come from this new group.”
Some of the core functions of the Committee will include:
- establishing protocols for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- development and implementation of the Toowoomba Regional Council Reconciliation Action Plan and
- the identification of tourism opportunities, which will promote the rich history of the Toowoomba Region’s Aboriginal, and Torres Strait
- Islander communities.