Councils spending too much on IT*

EACH year, Australian councils are unnecessarily spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on computer software and hardware – money that could be spent on providing vital services for their communities.

Now there is a low-cost, total software solution – CouncilWise – for local government that competes directly against other high-cost software suppliers. Fully cloud-based, it removes the need for expensive servers and other hardware. 

CouncilWise Chief Executive Officer, Ron Sanderson, said local government was constantly juggling growing social responsibilities, infrastructure requirements and rising costs and at the same time, ensuring that the costs of service delivery for ratepayers was kept as low as possible. 

“Essentially, councils increasingly are being forced to do more with less. From a business systems perspective, this means taking a good hard look at legacy systems and making changes.

“This is where the CouncilWise management solution for local government has a big advantage as it provides the opportunity for councils to achieve massive saving on their information technology systems.

“CouncilWise is a local government management platform developed by local government expert staff in partnership with tech giant Microsoft, comprising a complete range of features to make running a local government authority effortless and affordable.

“It is highly affordable, cloud-based, easy to use and leading edge, and is increasingly being adopted by local government around Australia and in the South Pacific.

“CouncilWise provides the vehicle for councils to achieve considerable savings by using common systems to create opportunities to do back office functions, such as payroll for several councils, as well as reduce costs of having to cover for vacancies and training.

“It is already generating significant cost savings and new administration efficiencies for user councils.”

*Copy supplied by Bright