In a novel approach to tourism local residents of Moira Shire, Victoria, will be the targeted guests in the upcoming Discovery Weekend being held on 27 and 28 July at tourist spots right across the shire.
Over the weekend, residents will enjoy scrumptious local produce, paddle boat rides, coffee, historic tours and more – all for just $1.
Mayor, Libro Mustica, said he was looking forward to the weekend and encouraged all residents to save the date.
“Locals are the friendly faces to thousands of family and friends visiting our region each and every year.
“The Sun Country Discovery Weekend is a great opportunity to explore our own backyard, so we can spread the word to our friends and relatives when they visit.
“Our Farm Gate Trail, with more than 20 operators on board, as well as the Silo Art Trail are becoming more popular than ever.
“With the Discovery Weekend, from Bundalong to Barmah, tourism operators will welcome locals to revisit attractions they may not have been to for a while, or to take a tour they haven’t experienced before.”
The Mayor said visiting friends and relatives make a significant contribution to the local tourism economy and account for 34.54 percent of day visitors, 31.7 percent of domestic overnight visitors and 42 percent of international visitors to the region.
“Residents will receive a ticket and brochure in the mail about the specials on offer over the Discovery Weekend.”
By showing their Sun Country Discovery Weekend ticket at participating venues they can enjoy mates rates all weekend.
Prizes showcasing local attractions will be offered for residents who collect four stickers on their ticket at participating venues.