Liverpool City Council has unveiled its futuristic ‘first contact’ vision of how the future Western Sydney International Airport will be connected to Sydney via Liverpool’s central business district.
Developed in consultation with world-renowned sustainable public transport expert, Professor Peter Newman AO of Curtin University, the Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit (FAST) Corridor will help deliver the connectivity needed by the future airport when it opens.
Chief Executive Officer, Kiersten Fishburn, said this built on the recent announcement by Roads and Maritime Services, on the next steps to upgrade Hoxton Park Road – a key section of the route – and included dedicated lanes for rapid transit from Liverpool to the new airport.
“It’s great to see that government agencies are getting on with delivering this rapid transit project.
“This corridor is a practical, achievable and cost-effective solution to airport connectivity.
“Part of this corridor is already built. We just need to fill in the missing links.”
Western Sydney Business Chamber Executive Director, David Borger, said, “The FAST corridor is more than just a quick journey between the new airport and Liverpool – it is a transit oriented development approach that will also create new homes, jobs and a balanced lifestyle along the corridor for new and growing communities.
“The New South Wales Government is looking at the opportunity to embrace new technologies such as trackless trams – the FAST corridor is the perfect place to trial this exciting new mode of travel to match the innovation of our new 21st century airport for Western Sydney.”
Property Council Western Sydney Regional Director, Ross Grove, said Liverpool City Council had a future vision for the fastest growing region of the country.
“This is not just a story about an airport, it’s also about creating great places. We’re talking about places people are proud to live in and where the commute to work and to international connectivity is easy.”
Ms Fishburn said Council had already commenced detailed design work on the FAST corridor which would extend for approximately 19 km between Liverpool and the future airport site.