Motions for policy change for major transmission network projects were adopted at major local government in June.
The motions, submitted by Moorabool Shire Council to the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA)
and the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) ,were adopted at the National General Assembly and
State Council meeting, held on 20-22 June and 24 June respectively.
The motions advocate for reforming the regulatory process for major transmission network projects,
calling on the state and federal governments to develop policies for:
1. Conducting and integrating community engagement findings when planning for and delivering
renewable energy high-voltage transmission projects.
2. Ensuring all future high-voltage transmission projects will be required to investigate the lowest
social, environmental and economic impact technologies and design options available.
“The current regulatory process for major transmission network projects is not fit for purpose, and we are
encouraged that our local government colleagues are with us on this issue,” Moorabool Mayor, Cr Tom
Sullivan said.
Council is supportive of Australia’s transition to renewable energy and recognises that new energy
infrastructure is central to achieving this. However, it is of concern that insufficient weight is being given
to understanding and integrating community voice and environmental impacts from the outset of
infrastructure planning.
Moorabool is one of the local government areas impacted by the Western Victoria Transmission Network
Project, recently rebranded the Western Renewables Link. The project proposes to construct a 190 km
overhead high-voltage transmission line throughout western Victoria, approximately 60km of which is in
Moorabool Shire.
“It is critical that planning for and designing new infrastructure considers potential environmental impacts
and community views at the earliest opportunity, while there is still capacity to facilitate locally
appropriate development,” Cr Sullivan added.
Moorabool will continue to advocate for all levels of government to work together to achieve Australia’s
renewable energy transition without unacceptable burden on communities and the environment.
To find out more about the Council’s response to the Western Renewables Link, visit