Successful planning talks

The ‘Talk to a Planner’ sessions have been successful.

The Strathbogie Shire ‘Talk to a Planner’ sessions have proven a huge success, according to Mayor Laura Binks.

Community members took up the opportunity to have one-on-one appointments to discuss planning matters with council’s planning department staff. The sessions were held in each township throughout Strathbogie Shire with several being completely booked out.

Cr Binks said the initiative was just another innovative way council was engaging with its community.

“The initiative saw council’s planners hitting the road, making themselves available in townships across the municipality to offer advice and information and seek feedback on the current Planning Scheme Review,” she said.

“We sought feedback on community planning priorities and how we can improve the Local Planning Policy to better meet the community’s needs.

“Our planning scheme review will assess whether the local planning policies and provisions are meeting the needs of the local area and community.

“It will also look at how the planning scheme is addressing state and local planning policy objectives.”

The review will also cover five key themes: Neighbourhood character; Sustainable development; Connectivity; Commercial and industrial development, and Vegetation and our environment.