Foreshore transformation opens in stages

From left, director of assets and environment Ross Whitfield, Mayor Darryl Houston and CEO Nathan Cunningham.

The Normanville Foreshore renovation is being opened in stages with great numbers of visitors and early positive feedback received from the Stage One opening.

The project, which includes the beach plaza, inclusive beach access, lawn and nature play area, has been well utilised by the local community and visitors, especially during the festive period.

The project forms part of Yankalill District Council’s Normanville Foreshore Master Plan.

The master plan, adopted for delivery in July 2021, aims to revitalise the foreshore with improved facilities, increased recreation space, and better access, while protecting the heritage sand dunes and improving safety for pedestrians.

“The Normanville Foreshore is a hub in the summer months and we are proud to have delivered a safer and more inclusive space for our community and visitors to enjoy,” said Mayor Darryl Houston.

“We are grateful for the community’s patience and support during the construction, and we are confident that with the finishing touches over the next month or so, the final result will be worth the wait.”

The total cost of the project including the mobility compliant pedestrian ramp and beach interface, beach plaza, green space and nature play came to $2,563,650, with $2.1 million of that provided through the State Government’s Open Space and Places for People Grant Program from the Planning and Development Fund. Council contributed $463,650 to the project.

The master plan itself was the result of significant community consultation and feedback, which led to various refinements through the development of the project and concepts.

“The Normanville Foreshore Master Plan is a testament to our commitment to delivering quality projects for our community and for our focus on providing enhanced user experiences across the district,” said council CEO Nathan Cunningham.

“I was delighted to see the foreshore jumping and full of activity across the school holiday period.”

Director assets and environment, Ross Whitfield, thanked the staff and Neo Infrastructure for their hard work.

“I want to extend my gratitude to all the staff and contractors who have worked on this project,” he said.

“Their hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and the results speak for themselves.”

Work remaining to be completed includes the shelter and the resealing of the carpark. The carpark resealing will be timed to work around the Normanville Surf Life Saving Club and Café/Kiosk construction. Wheel stops will also be installed in some areas of the car park to provide additional protection to footpath users.

Delivery of all aspects of the Normanville Foreshore Master Plan (including Holiday Park upgrade and Surf Life Saving Club and Café/ Kiosk development) will provide major economic stimulus to the district, with ongoing job creation, improved community infrastructure, and reduced rates burden on the community.

The council is delighted with the end result of Stage One of the Normanville Foreshore and looks forward to the continued growth and development of the other projects that make up the Normanville Masterplan.