Regional Equestrian Centre plans

Plans are underway for the Murray Equestrian Centre.

The Shire of Murray continues to progress its Master Plan for the Murray Regional Equestrian Centre (MREC), with Council adopting the latest vision for the facility at its May Council Meeting.

Murray Shire President, Councillor David Bolt, explained the Shire is seeking to secure MREC’s reputation as one of the top equestrian centres in Western Australia through the construction of new clubrooms and a covered arena.

“Providing a high-quality venue that supports the equestrian needs of the Peel Region and beyond, will draw visitors from throughout the State and provide a central point for equestrian recreation in WA,” said President Bolt.

“The redevelopment of MREC is a project that the Shire of Murray has been investigating and planning for over ten years. In 2012, a Master Plan was completed and recommended a staged implementation, dependent upon funding opportunities.

“With stages one and two complete, Council has now officially endorsed the next step in realising the MREC’s fullest potential by adopting the MREC Business Case and Concept Plan. “This latest phase includes an aspiration for new clubrooms, covered arena, connecting roads and pathways, an electrical supply upgrade, and more water tanks.”

With Council’s endorsement, the Shire will now advocate for Federal and State Government funding. To complete the project, the Shire will need to secure $10.85 million.

The equine industry is very important to the Peel Region accounting for approx. 1,550 jobs. With a local love of horses, rapid population growth, continued availability of land and existing equine facilities, Murray has become a key location driving growth in this increasingly popular sector.

MREC is located in the heart of Murray and is a key regional sporting facility that predominantly caters for non-racing equine activities and equestrian events.