Message from the Minister
The election of the Howard Government in Australia on 2 March 1996 is only the fifth change of national government in Australia since...
Helping Local Government help business
Regulation at all levels impacts significantly on the ability of business to do business. This is the case, not only with Commonwealth and...
Streetwatch, streetwise
In a first for the Northern Territory, Tennant Creek Town Council has won a National Innovation Award. Winning the National Rural Award and...
Progressive ‘CARS’
A software package which monitors, records and responds to customer requests, has taken out the overall National Award for Baw Baw Shire Council...
Model code for residential development
Developed over the past seven years in conjunction with all levels of government, the community and the residential development industry, the...
Tasmania working together
Using the very appropriate theme, 'Working Together', the first joint annual Conference of the Tasmanian Divisions of the Institute of Municipal Management, Institute...
Earlier this year, when FOCUS expanded its circulation to cover all Councils Australia wide, we chose to produce two separate editions under our...
FOCUS on inland NSW
With most of Australia's government and media concentrated on the eastern seaboard, inland Australia often finds itself ignored in mainstream policy making and...
Your Census, your future
On Tuesday 6 August the Australian Bureau of Statistics will conduct the nation's 13th Census of Population and Housing. More than seven million...
Kiama wins 1995 tidy town
Tidy Towns Awards were initiated nearly 20 years ago as part of the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign. Since then they have become one...
‘How to’ for Agenda 21
The Local Government Environment Network is embarking on an exciting new project to facilitate the adoption of sustainability at the local level. ...
Sailing the ‘Cs’
The Institute of Municipal Management's 1996 National Congress was staged in Canberra on 19-22 May. Using the theme 'Sailing the 'Cs' of Challenge'...