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Training for WA’s new Act in full swing

On 1 July 1996, Local Government in Western Australia commenced a new era under the Local Government Act 1995. The first comprehensive review...

More Councils merge in SA

Port Pirie City & District Council and the District Council of Grant came into being on 1 July. Following the City of Port...

East Torrens a web leader

In South Australia, seven City Councils and five District Councils currently have their own Internet sites. A leading Council in this...

City and country working together

Antipathy between the country and the city can be quite marked in Australia. Although we are one of the most urbanised lands in...

Planning for a growing community

In area, the Shire of Swan is the largest Council in the Perth Metropolitan area. Located in the north east metropolitan...

10 Year Program at Waggamba reaps rewards

Located in south eastern Queensland, on the NSW border, Waggamba Shire covers 13,872 square kilometres. It has 1,500 kilometres of Shire Roads and...

Message from the Minister

The election of the Howard Government in Australia on 2 March 1996 is only the fifth change of national government in Australia since...

Helping Local Government help business

Regulation at all levels impacts significantly on the ability of business to do business. This is the case, not only with Commonwealth and...

Streetwatch, streetwise

In a first for the Northern Territory, Tennant Creek Town Council has won a National Innovation Award. Winning the National Rural Award and...

Progressive ‘CARS’

A software package which monitors, records and responds to customer requests, has taken out the overall National Award for Baw Baw Shire Council...

Model code for residential development

Developed over the past seven years in conjunction with all levels of government, the community and the residential development industry, the...

Tasmania working together

Using the very appropriate theme, 'Working Together', the first joint annual Conference of the Tasmanian Divisions of the Institute of Municipal Management, Institute...

Celebrating dedicated staff

Narromine Shire Council has celebrated the outstanding contributions of Terry Fulwood, Craig Turner and Marc Barton for their incredible 20 years of service each,...